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resources to share

from our

Support group

afternoon tea gatherings

Resources from the January '24 meeting:

"Body Hacks:

How we can use our body to short circuit the distress of aural symptoms."

What did our group discover today about body-based strategies?
What a wonderful and rich discussion we had as a group today about those challenging times when we feel particularly symptomatic. We ALL agreed that when we are experiencing most uncomfortable symptoms, we tend to get stuck up in our heads in a space of 'mental time travel' (worrying, catastrophising, questioning, confused, ruminating). Many of us already intuitively or intentionally find relief and comfort in body-based activities and strategies, such as movement, breathing, using our hands, etc. Coming out of our heads and down into our bodies can be a simple but effective technique to find more ease in the moment.

Jane Clapp is an international body-based therapist. She has collated her favourite "Tools for Nervous System Health" into a document that is freely available online. Click on the red heart to view or download this document - it's full of body hack tips and suggestions you could explore for yourself. 


Where do you feel the distress of aural symptoms in your body?

You are welcome to join in weekly Inner Ease group classes to explore body-based strategies for managing your aural symptoms. Individual sessions are also available with Dani at Inner Ease Tinnitus Centre.

Resources from the November '23 meeting:

"Sound Enrichment Therapy:
how can we use sound in a therapeutic way when living with tinnitus
and/or sound sensitivity?"

Why use sound enrichment?
 Sound enrichment is commonly recommended as a tool for managing tinnitus and sound sensitivity. The rationale is to reduce the contrast of tinnitus (or trigger sound) to silence, so tinnitus (or trigger sound) is not the only thing your brain can hear. The picture below illustrates how this works by using the butterfly as an analogy to tinnitus (or trigger sound) and the background as the analogy to silence or sound enrichment.

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CAUTION: don't over mask!
When we use sound enrichment, there is often the temptation to completely mask the sound so as to not hear it at all. Unfortunately, while this may offer some temporary relief, there is a risk that the tinnitus (or trigger sound) may actually get louder to compete with the sound enrichment. 


How to use sound enrichment therapeutically....
This picture was taken during the support group gathering. It shows the three criteria we discussed for using sound enrichment therapeutically. With this approach, we are encouraging the brain to habituate to the tinnitus signal (or the trigger sound) by supporting the autonomous nervous system to feel calm or safe in the presence of the sound.

Some Free Sound Therapy Apps to explore:

  • Widex Zen Tinnitus

  • ​Resound Relief

  • Sound Oasis

  • Tinnitbot

  • T-Minus

  • Oto

Having trouble finding the right sound, or applying it therapeutically?

Get in touch with Dani at Inner Ease Tinnitus Centre - I'm here to help tailor a sound enrichment therapy programme to your individual situation.

Resources from the September '23 meeting:

"Tinnitus and the jaw:
How can the jaw impact on our perception of tinnitus?"

The jaw and the ear are connected.
 40% of people with TMJ dysfunction experience tinnitus or other aural symptoms.
20% of people with tinnitus or hyperacusis will experience jaw issues or TMJ dysfunction. 

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Are you fighting with tinnitus or other aural symptoms?
When our nervous system is in fight/flight mode, muscles in our body tense up, including our large and powerful jaw muscles. 

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Jaw tension or dysfunction can irritate the trigeminal nerve. The trigeminal nerve branches into the middle ear and innervates the middle ear muscles. Spasming or twitching middle ear muscles can be heard as tinnitus or felt as other sensations in the ear.

Exercises to relax the jaw:


1. Imagine your lower jaw is a hammock, and let it hang away from your  upper jaw.  Your bottom teeth don't touch your top teeth when your jaw is relaxed. 

2. If it is difficult to initiate a feeling of relaxation, try tensing the jaw muscles first by clenching your teeth, then slowly let go of that clenching and follow the feeling of letting go all the way into relaxation. 

3. Self massage (two fingers in little circling motion) and/or tapping (two finger tips gently patting) around the lower jaw, front of the ear, above the ear and behind the ear.

4. You might like to soften your gaze, your shoulders and your palms as well, as you invite your whole body to relax. 

Poem by Danna Faulds

Consult your GP or dentist if your feel you have undiagnosed TMJ dysfunction. Consult a TMJ specialist for other options for treating and managing TMJ dysfunction or TMJ disorder. Please get in touch with Dani at Inner Ease Tinnitus Centre if you'd like to discuss your own personal experience of tinnitus or other ear-related symptoms that sit alongside any jaw discomfort. 

Resources from the July '23 meeting:

"Mind Your Self: how mindfulness differs from more traditional therapies"

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is when we intentionally welcome the present moment with open curiousity and non-judgement.

With this approach to tinnitus and sound sensitivities, when you notice tinnitus/trigger sounds, you are also able to take in all the other sensory information that is available to you in that moment, so that tinnitus/sound is only one thread in the bigger tapestry of the moment - not good, not bad, and just one part of your present experience.




How is Mindfulness different?

When we are being Mindful, we are not trying to change anything in the present moment, we are not trying to fix anything or push anything away. We are allowing tinnitus and other sounds to be there. Does this sound different to your current relationship with tinnitus/trigger sounds?



Richard Freeman


Mindfulness is letting go of the argument and inviting some friendliness.

Once your tinnitus has been thoroughly investigated and you are cleared of any underlying pathology, practice leaning into trust - these two articles might help you hold your experience with open curiousity....

Tinnitus is a sound that is present in almost all normal healthy ears given the right conditions.
Click on the LITTLE red heart to read more....

Is tinnitus protecting you? Recent research suggests that tinnitus lowers your risk of cognitive decline associated with hearing loss? 
Click on the BIG red heart to read more....

Mindfulness is a practice. The more we practice being mindful, the easier and more automatic it becomes. Inner Ease Tinnitus Centre offers 10-week individual and group Mindfulness programmes.

Please get in touch with Dani if you would like to explore this option for yourself.

Resources from the April '23 meeting:

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
for tinnitus, hyperacusis and hearing loss.

What is the evidence base that supports using CBT as a treatment for tinnitus and sound sensitivity?

Click the red heart to look at a document prepared by Tinnitus UK (formerly British Tinnitus Association) that explains the existing research into CBT as a therapy for tinnitus and why they recommend it. 

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CBT examines thoughts and beliefs about intrusive  tinnitus that may be leading to increased levels of distress.

Here are some typical thoughts about intrusive tinnitus (from Dr McKenna's book, Living with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis):

"My quality of life has gone"

"I can't be happy"

"I can't enjoy things"

"It's not normal"

"I will go deaf"

"I will never have any peace"

"It's not fair"

"I must avoid quiet"

"I must avoid loud places"

CBT teaches us how to challenge thoughts and beliefs with the aim of decreasing distress levels.

Here are some of the steps recommended to challenge your thoughts about intrusive tinnitus (from Eldre Beukes' book, CBT for Tinnitus):

1. How much do you believe the thought?

2. Challenge the thought by asking yourself:

- is this thought helpful or unhelpful?

- is this thought true or not true?

- could there be another possibility?

- can I clarify or reword the thought?

- do I need more information?

3. How much do I believe the thought now?

4. What's the result?

Inner Ease Tinnitus Centre offers 8-week individual and group CBT therapy.

Please get in touch with Dani if you would like to explore this option for yourself.

Resources from the February '23 meeting:

International Tinnitus Awareness Week
Tea for Tinnitus - raising money for the Tinnitus and Hearing Helpline.

Helpline Ph: 1300 242 842 

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We raised $185 in cash at our afternoon tea on Thursday 9 February.

Thank you everyone so much! 

This Tinnitus Awareness Week we are raising awareness and money to support the only free Tinnitus and Hearing helpline in Australia. This helpline has been recently established by Tinnitus Australia (an arm of the not-for-profit hearing advocacy organisation, Soundfair) to support people suffering from the distress of recent onset tinnitus or an escalation in tinnitus symptoms, and who need reassurance, hope and help to navigate this challenging time.




1. Call the Tinnitus Australia Helpline for reassurance and hope.


2. Visit your GP for a medical check.


3. Visit your local audiologist for a hearing test and correct any hearing loss.


4. Visit a specialist tinnitus audiologist (like at Inner Ease Tinnitus Centre) for tinnitus therapy and support options if your distress continues.

Tinnitus Australia is accepting donations up until the end of March 2023 for this Tinnitus Awareness Week fundraising campaign. Inner Ease Tinnitus Centre has pledged to match the donations of the Inner Ease tinnitus community up to the sum total of $500, so please let me know if you donate directly via this link (Tinnitus Australia fundraising page) and together we can double our impact for tinnitus sufferers.

Many thanks for the creative contributions to this website:
Photography by Wolfgang Glowacki
Art by Hannah Blackmore

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